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Scala - Convert JSON to an Option[T] type
I'm new to Scala and I'm currently working on a project that deals with MongoDB.
I have a JSON response that looks something like this:
[{"A":"aa", "B":"bb"}, {"C":"cc"}]
And I'm trying to create an object that has one of the values as a string and the other one as a default value, which would look something like this:
Is there a way to convert the JSON response to that type? I'm using a combination of Scala Play and MongoDB.
Use the following code:
import com.mongodb.util.JSON
// construct a JSON from your json
val js: JSON =
(JSON / "A").asOpt[String]
// show the value
If you are using play framework:
In the routes file:
POST /some/url/handler
"one": 1,
"two": 2
Then the handler:
def handler(request: RequestHeader, json: JsValue) = {
json.validate[Map[String, String]] match {
case JsSuccess(Map(k1 -> s1, k2 -> s2)) => Map(k1 -> s1, k2 -> s2)
case _ => Map("one" -> "invalid") ac619d1d87
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